Yay, a post on time (or at least on Sunday)!
So, this is the post about items. Items are... useful. (Ok, I need to say more than that...)
Ok, so I'm just going to start this off by apologizing (like any good Canadian) for the lateness of the last post. It was kinda hectic then, with both classes and assignments and actually getting the demo ready in time, and it has been a tad crazy since, but things are now (hopefully) settling into place. So I've had time to really work these past 2 (or rather 1.5) weeks on improvements and adding some systems that have yet to be implemented. Now, although I was originally planning to, I'm not going to update or put out a new free roam demo; rather, I'm going to wait until the full (or at least most of the) demo is ready. So, for now, you'll have to wait it out with the have demo that is currently out for a few more weeks.
But, on to the main topic, ITEMS!! So, as stated above, items are useful. But wait, there's more...
As mentioned in a past post, I wasn't completely sure how exactly I'd implement the use of items, but I've settled into items being only used in fights (though they can still be accessed in the overworld). The way that I have settled on is that items will be usable during fights, but only once per turn. After using an item, you can still access the items, drop and see their info, but attempting to use an item will pop up a message stating that you must wait another turn. Currently, items will fit into at least 1 of 3 different categories: Healing, Defensive, and Offensive (though I may add more categories if I think I need to). The category/categories that an item fits into depends on its effects, of which items will each have at least 1; these will work quite similarly to spell effects, being executed immediately when they are used, whether it be during the player's portion or the turn or the enemies'.
Items will be able to be purchased by the player character in the overworld from Joker, an intelligent spirit that will appear with his stall at multiple points in the game, in exchange for gems (which are earned from fighting demons). Different stores around the world will have different items and a limited inventory, but the prices for the same item will stay consistent.
So, look forward to items in the coming full demo as they are currently functional!
As an aside note on the main game, some things that I have improved or added:
-I mentioned last time about issues with the full screen and that the issue was text; specifically, that text mode that I use to make it look good scaled up visually really lags the game. While I am still working on a fix to get it working, I have removed that text mode. Now, using full screen will just use the regular text mode. While this may not look as nice, it will run at full speed, so please bear with this for now until I get a working solution.
-More advanced cutscenes and maps that have more functionality, and therefore, more to them.
-More spells, adding to the roster.
-Cinematics, as in small cutscenes that run like a slide show with sound, are mostly implemented. While I don't have all of their features running as they will in the final, as they are now should work fine for the demo. They are not able to be skipped through like regular dialogue cutscenes, but rather will play for a set time with an accompanying audio clip.
-And finally, Lotus (the character) will make his debut in the demo ('bout time!).
That's all for now; look forward to the next post that will hopefully be the demo (or just a boring update; we'll see how life treats me).
Thank you for your continued support!